Watch this amazing video from Thailand, where we see a Thai guy doing his routine and terrifying (!!) job of cleaning out the cobra pit. In a very calm manner he yanks them out of their napping spots and tosses them aside, so he can sweep up their snake poop, dried skin and eggs!

What is Snake Poop made of?

Well, very similarly to bird poop, snake poop is made of two major components: The fecal fragment (the poop) and the uric acid fragment (the snake urine). The Snake poop is expelled through the snake’s anal scale that is called “Cloaca”, which also marks the end of their belly and the beginning of their tail. The Cloaca is the only opening that serves the intestinal, urinary and genital tract. Snakes also mate and lay their eggs through the Cloaca.

Did you know that snakes can go on without pooping for over a year?!
How does the Snake Poop Biology Help It Survive?

We answer those questions and much more, in our fascinating post about “How Do Snakes Poop”…

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