Tips For Your Cat And Dog To Live In Harmony
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Despite what many people believe, cats and dogs can very happily live with one another in the same household, sharing the same spaces and without fighting, so long as you take the right approach to get them both settled into your home. If you are looking to introduce a cat to your dog or vice versa, the following tips will prove extremely helpful as you embark on this journey. Knowing that you should see results at the end of your hard work will be a great motivator and also remind you each time you follow one of these tips that you will be rewarded with happy pets and a pleasant household. 

Pick a breed that gets on well with the other 

If you’ve yet to pick your new dog or cat, then choosing a breed that is well-known for getting on with the other would be beneficial. Golden and Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, Pugs, and Shetland Sheepdogs are all dogs that are more likely to get on with a cat and are good options to bring home. When bringing home a cat to your dog, consider the Ragdoll breed, Maine Coon, Siberian, and European Burmese. 

Treat Them Equally 

Your cat or dog will pick up when you give one more attention to one than the other, and they will get jealous, just like humans would. When a cat or dog gets jealous, they may start destructive behavior and aggression. Focus on giving each pet the form of affection they love as equally as possible. This means spending the same time taking your dog for a walk as giving your cat pets and belly rubs. Beyond the fun experiences they both get, you also need to ensure that you treat them equally regarding their health. This means they are both regularly attending vet health check appointments, and you are keeping up with their grooming needs. Having two pets can mean vet costs do add up quickly, but if you look into multiple pets insurance quotes online, you can find a very cost-effective option available to you to care for both pets without worrying about finances. 

Keep them both well stimulated 

To avoid fighting between your cat and dog, give them both the stimulation they need. Learn what stimulation your new cat or dog needs and ensure you keep up with providing your current pet with theirs too. For instance, you can give your dog an invigorating walk while your cat enjoys a treat puzzle toy at home. Read our article about the best ways to keep any pet entertained and stimulated for more tips.

Provide Them With Their Own Spaces 

Just like humans need space sometimes, so do your pets. They want a place that they can escape to and know is their own. You should also give them separate feeding spots with their own bowls and provide an area for the litter box that only the cat (and you) will be able to access. There are fantastic products that can make separating food and toilet time much more straightforward. If you’re unsure about what food to give, her

Take It Steady And Never Leave Them Unattended 

You do not want to rush the living-together scenario too fast. You need to allow them to get used to one another. Always allow them to meet on neutral ground so that there is no issue of territory to overcome. With time, they should start feeling more confident to sniff one another and be comfortable enough in each other’s presence to relax and even cuddle, but you should still avoid leaving them unattended, particularly in the early days.

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