Where Do Snakes Live in Florida
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Most animals out in the wild are pretty adaptable. Before human civilization moves in, they may live and function in a certain way. When humans start taking over their space, many may leave and find another hospitable location to use as their home. Others may stay in their native area and adapt to the humans living around them. Many animals do this and have done this for a very long time. This is why you can find members of wildlife in all sorts of areas of the world. Snakes included.

The Benefits of Snakes

Snakes are one of Florida’s most common animals. There are forty-four different species of snakes just within the state. They are found in nearly every type of habitat within the state. Snakes may not be everyone’s favorite animal to discover in their yard, but they are incredibly valuable to the land and ecosystem. 

Snakes help reduce rodent populations. Rodents can carry dangerous diseases and destroy important crops. They can also eat bugs and insects that would normally destroy your garden. If you are scared of venomous snakes, keeping non-venomous ones around can keep them at bay. Some non-venomous species eat venomous ones. And even though they are scary, venomous snakes are a huge benefit to the environment as well. 

If you are seeing venomous species around your space and have questions about safety and removal, pestcontrolsnake.com may be able to help you answer some of those. However, only six of Florida’s species are venomous: the eastern coral snake, the southern copperhead, the cottonmouth, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, the timber rattlesnake, and the dusky pygmy rattlesnake.

Where Do Snakes Stay?

Because of snakes’ adaptability, they can be found in all sorts of areas in Florida. Some species prefer wet or swampy areas. Water moccasins are a species that will be found in those marshy, swampy, and wet areas. Some species prefer dry areas. While most species will be found in wild areas, such as dry, wooded areas or wet, swampy areas, certain species will be found regularly in urban and residential areas. The black racer is a species that is often found in urban and residential areas.

While it may be easy to understand why so many species can survive in swampy or wooded areas — those are the natural habitat for many species, it may not be as straightforward when trying to understand why they can thrive in urban areas. Residential and urban areas have many attractive features for snakes. For example, urban areas are not completely dry. They have sewers and gutters — areas where water accumulates and rodents can regularly be found. Snakes enjoy the moist habitat of these areas and they enjoy being able to feast on the rodents that also inhabit them. 

Snakes also inhabit residential areas fairly commonly in Florida. Your garden and the spaces around your home can create really attractive spaces for them to hide and seek shelter. If wooded areas have become barren because of development, they can easily adapt to the areas your house or yard can provide for them. 

Your large shrubs or sheds offer shelter. If you have a garden? You very likely have insects around who may or may not enjoy destroying what you are growing. Snakes can help keep these bugs at bay. If you are needing help with some pest control around your garden, Critter Pro has services available to help you out.

While it is understandable to want venomous species removed from your space, keeping non-venomous species can be incredibly beneficial for your garden. If the non-venomous species are not being bothersome, many people opt out of having the snake removed because of the benefits that it can provide.

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